EasyUIEx Manual

jQuery EasyUI + EasyUIEx architecture produced in the enterprise development practices, Easy to follow the principle goal is to simplify everything can simplify part, do not have to provide extended to all the needs. CRUD focus on aspects of the package extensions are also welcome to join the essence of more development practices.

HTML EasyUIEx Manual

1. EasyUIEx Use steps:

  1. Include easyuiex directory in the project (including the easyuiex required css, images, js)

  2. Include static resources required for the project in the page (jQuery,jQuery EasyUI, EasyUIEx)

    With the use of easy.jquery.edatagrid.js replacejquery.edatagrid.js, easyUIEx of edatagrid performance and logic optimization and provides additional functionality.

     <!-- EasyUI CSS -->
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyui/themes/default/easyui.css" id="themeLink">
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyui/themes/icon.css">
     <!-- EasyUI JS & Extension JS-->
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery.min.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery.easyui.min.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/locale/easyui-lang-zh_CN.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/datagrid-dnd.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/jquery.edatagrid.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easyui/datagrid-detailview.js"></script>
     <!-- EasyUIEx -->
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="easyuiex/css/easyuiex.css">
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easyuiex/easy.easyuiex.min-2.0.0.js"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easyuiex/easy.easyuiex-validate.js"></script>
     <!-- Use EasyUIEx of easy.jquery.edatagrid.js replaced jquery.edatagrid.js, easyUIEx of edatagrid performance and logic optimization and provides additional functionality. -->
     <script type="text/javascript" src="easyuiex/easy.jquery.edatagrid.js"></script>
     <!-- Importing files in the appropriate language lang directory -->
      <script type="text/javascript" src="easyuiex/lang/easy.easyuiex-lang-en.js"></script> -->

2. EasyUIEx API Invoke

uiEx is the default namespace name EasyUIEx of. EasyUIEx API for DOM operation in extended function with selector selectors are supported calls in two ways.

Note: Due to EasyUIEx internal package datagrid,tree and other certain DOM objects used to id attributes of the object, so these DOM elements must have a unique id attribute. Priority recommend using the ID selector to select DOM elements.

3. EasyUIEx API:

1. Global configuration parameters

3. dialog API

4. form API

5. tabs API

6. datagrid、edatagrid、detaildatagrid API

Name Type Description Default
url string Query url; get:dg.datagrid("options").url false
saveUrl string Save url;get:dg.datagrid("options").saveUrl false
updateUrl string Update url;get:dg.datagrid("options").updateUrl false
destroyUrl string Destory url;get:dg.datagrid("options").destroyUrl false
showHeaderContextMenu boolean Whether the meter display the context menu, choose to display a column false
showContextMenu boolean Whether to display the context menu, with menuSelector property use false
menuSelector string Menu Selector  
successKey string Success mark key returned by the server, for example: "statusCode"  
successValue string The server returned successfully labeled value, for example: "200"  
mutipleDelete boolean Whether to open a multi-line submission delete false
mutipleDeleteProperty string/Array Multi-line reference to the property and the value of the server will not delete sendRowDataPrefix prefix added, supports the use of an array to specify multiple attribute names  
Name Type Description Default
sendRowDataPrefix boolean Add, delete, update data, support setting submitting row data prefix sendRowDataPrefix:". SysUser ", before the data parameter names such submission will increase the specified prefix, handy when using the Struts framework such as submitting data to sysUser object reception  
Name Type Description Default
clickRowEdit boolean When you click to achieve line editing in DataGrid, you can replace edatagrid achieve with line editing datagrid false
clickCellEdit boolean Click column editing function is turned on false
Name Type Description Default
clickEdit boolean Whether to open, click Edit (edatagrid default double-click to open editor) false
showMsg boolean Whether to add, modify alert message false

7. treegrid API

Name Type Description Default
showHeaderContextMenu boolean Whether the meter display the context menu, choose to display a column false
showContextMenu boolean Whether to display the context menu, with menuSelector property use false
menuSelector string Menu Selector  

8. tree API

Name Type Description Default
expandChilds boolean Click to expand menu parent child node function false

9 Checkbox tree(Checkbox Tree)

Name Type Description Default
showTitle string Mouse serving individual title prompts, you can specify the attributes displayed  
noChildCascadeCheck boolean Cascade Select parent, but the parent does not cascade selected select child nodes. And cascadeCheck: true will cause the parent node is selected automatically select all child nodes. false

10. Custom validator

11. Other API

 * The control variable uiEx of transfer to first realize that its library
 * @return Object reference uiEx

4. EasyUIEx Demo:

EasyUIEx demo online



If you have more comments, suggestions or ideas, please contact me.

